Apex completely renovated and modernized a historic North End waterfront condominium, which had fallen victim to a hasty, low-end 1980’s condo conversion. The condo was located in a stately granite and brick building constructed in the 1830’s, which was once a hard-working warehouse for goods brought in by clipper ships from overseas.

We wanted to keep some of the unit’s best features, like the exposed brick walls and ceiling joists, while still making the space feel clean and polished. This meant working out the kinks of a difficult lighting plan, overcoming cabinetry challenges, and getting a multitude of different wood tones to blend seamlessly.

In the end, Apex successfully crafted a sleek, functional, urban space for a professional couple while preserving the building’s original character and maximizing views of Boston Harbor. Attention to detail and fine craftsmanship polished this harbor gem for the century ahead.